Embed Security
into Every Workday

While traditional, technology-based security solutions are designed to prevent attacks from machine processes, events, and connections, Keep Aware focuses on threats that target people where they work, the web browser.

The Human-centric Approach to
Browser Security

Keep Aware combines the analysis of how information is presented to people, and how they interact with it, to create a human-centric solution that prevents threats at the point-of-click.
Phishing and Credential Theft
Modern phishing attacks thrive across multiple channels. Attacks target people through email, messaging, collaboration tools, cloud-based file-sharing platforms, and search results often to lead them to a malicious page. Keep Aware enables phishing protection directly to where phishing takes place.

More on Modern Phishing Protection >>
Malicious Extensions
Employees use extensions across several browsers for productivity, entertainment, and convience. Security teams lack proper visibility of their organization's extension footprint. Keep Aware provides end-to-end extension controls.

More on Extension Management >>
Brand Impersonation
By mimicking the behavior of trusted websites or organizations, attackers deceive users into sharing sensitive data or downloading malware. Keep Aware analyzes content to how it's presented to the user to prevent social engineering attacks.

More on Spoofing Detection >>
How it works

Keep Aware enables security teams with robust controls and protections to secure the browser

Browser Detection & Response, and Visibility

Web Content Analysis

Advanced analysis of site content, web scripts, and DOM to understand context and activity risk​

Extension Audit and Blocking

Full control over browser extensions used across the organization and detection of malicious extensions

Full Browser Detection & Response

Customizable detections and responses to Phishing, Data Loss, and Malicious Download threats

SaaS and Human risk

Visibility of SaaS application and credential usage. Determine risky applications and users across the organization

Threat Prevention and Protection Controls

Default, Native Protections

Out of the box ability to detect and prevent known and unknown people-targeted attacks.

Automated Investigations

Immediate, contextual response to facilitate analysis and threat hunting

Detailed Auditing and Integrations

Fully customizable, open-ended integrations for auditing and event gathering across the security stack.

Centralized Browser Management

Universal control over policies for settings, configurations, and access across all browsers.

The browser sits at the center of today's work,
it's an important layer of the modern security stack

Keep Aware deploys directly to the browsers your organization already uses, and leverages advanced content filtering to protect your organization against known and unknown people-targeted attacks such as phishing, social engineering, and malicious extensions.

Security teams

Automated Investigations

Read about the impact of Keep Aware Automated Investigations

SaaS Visibility

Read about LastPass and the need for Workforce Visibility

Centralized Management and Browser Governance

Human-centric Security Safeguards Against Known and Novel threats

By analyzing the information presented to individuals and their interactions within the browser environment, Keep Aware empowers your employees to make informed decisions and actively participate in security practices. This human-centric paradigm shift strengthens the overall resilience of your organization.

Ready to eliminate the browser blind spot?

Keep Aware seamlessly deploys and starts bringing your security team value in minutes. Get a closer look at Keep Aware with our team today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Keep Aware seamlessly deploys to the browsers your organization already uses as a browser extension without disrupting existing workflows. IT and Security teams can silently deploy Keep Aware and centrally manage every browser, automate investigations, and report on organizational risk.

Keep Aware is compatible with any Chromium-based browser such as Chrome, Edge, Opera or Brave, and other industry-standard browsers like Firefox and Safari.