Protect your employees where they work.
Keep Aware transforms every browser in your organization into an enterprise browser.
Supported by all major browsers
Trusted to protect information workers every day
The browser is your most vulnerable workspace.
The browser remains a blind spot as security teams struggle with real-time threat detection, data leakage, and evolving attacks that exploit human error.
Credential theft, phishing, and identity attacks thrive in the browser
Attackers increasingly exploit human error, bypassing traditional defenses. Your team needs defense at the browser level to combat these sophisticated identity threats.
Extensions are an open door to data loss and malware
Unchecked browser extensions are a backdoor to your network. Prevent info-stealers and trackers that prosper with excessive browser permissions.
Data leaks through ChatGPT and AI tool adoption
Employees are unknowingly sharing sensitive data with AI tools. You need visibility and control to prevent accidental data breaches and compliance risks.
Proxies and tunneling traffic kill productivity
Inline DLP requires unnecessary overhead and ruins the browsing experience. Web-based data loss prevention should take advantage of native browser capabilities.
Phishing investigations waste valuable hours
Phishing incidents drag on for hours, wasting valuable team resources. Accelerate your response time with browser telemetry and minimize impact.
Encrypted malicious traffic bypasses SWGs
Modern threats evade traditional SWGs, hiding in unassembled encrypted traffic and connections. Your defenses need to evolve to cover all entry points.
Secure all work in the browser.
Keep Aware provides a complete solution for enterprise browser security supported on all major browsers.
Deploy in minutes across your browsers
Keep Aware deploys instantly across your existing browsers and provides immediate visibility and security while maintaining a seamless employee experience.
Instant deployment across all browsers
No proxying or tunneling traffic, no employee disruption
Centralized visibility, auditing, and security controls for your browsers
Stop browser based threats
Keep Aware stops phishing, malicious traffic, and evolving web-based attacks with real-time detection and prevention.
Block zero-day browser threats and identity attacks
Enforce web policies that SWG’s miss
Defend against insider risk and misuse of the browser
"Everyone at One Workplace uses the browser. Protecting our coordinators, sales, and marketing teams where they do most of their work is critical to our business."
Le Lu
Chief Information Officer
One Workplace

Protect critical work in the browser.

Keep Aware protects information workers across the business directly in the browsers they use every day.

Own security operations in the browser.

By owning the browser, IT security teams deploy policy, expose risk, and stop threats across their workforce.

Identitification and Reporting on Employee Risk
Gain actionable insights with detailed reports on high-risk employee activities.
Shadow IT and Gen-AI Safeguards
Control unauthorized SaaS usage and manage AI tool risks.
Extension Management
Automatically assess risk and block malicious browser extensions.
Accelerated Threat Hunting & Investigations
Save time with rapid phishing investigations and threat hunting. Send all relevant browser telemetry to any SIEM or SOAR platform.
The Product
Keep Aware Browser Security Platform
Keep Aware enables security operations in the browser and protects organizations from browser-based threats.
Supported across industry standard browsers
Our clients

See what our customers think.

Organizations worldwide rely on Keep Aware to safeguard their information workers and ensure secure, productive browsing every day.

“Before Keep Aware, we didn’t have visibility into what employees were doing in the browser.”

Keep Aware gives the One Workplace security team visibility and insight into high-risk activity taking place in the browser.

“Previously, we didn't have fine-grained control of the browser.”

Keep Aware enables Embold Health to enforce highly configurable policies across their browsers.

Trusted to protect information workers in the browser
Frequently asked questions
How is Keep Aware deployed?

Keep Aware is a true agentless browser security solution. It deploys silently to existing browsers on employee laptops and workstations through a lightweight extension supported on all major browsers.

How quick is the Keep Aware deployment process?

IT security teams deploy Keep Aware through MDM, Group Policy, or other software distribution tools in 5 to 15 minutes. Keep Aware is agentless and often only requires a few configuration settings to the browsers you want to deploy to.

What's the difference between SASE and Browser Security?

While SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) secures network traffic by merging networking and security services like SD-WAN, CASB, and NGFW, it has significant blind spots when it comes to browser-based threats. SASE works well at the network layer, protecting data in transit, but struggles with deep inspection of browser sessions, phishing, and malicious extensions—threats that happen inside the browser.

Browser security, like Keep Aware, operates within the browser itself, providing granular visibility and real-time protection against people-focused threats that SASE solutions can't handle, such as phishing or data leakage within SaaS apps​​​.

What's the difference between Keep Aware and standalone browsers like Island or Talon?

Standalone browsers like Island and Talon attempt to bundle governance into an entirely new browser, forcing IT teams and employees to adopt a separate tool. This adds friction and limits flexibility. Keep Aware, on the other hand, is deployed as a lightweight extension that works with the browsers your employees already use—Chrome, Edge, Firefox—allowing seamless integration without disrupting workflows.

While standalone browsers focus on a tightly controlled IT environment and browser management, Keep Aware is built for security operations across the entire enterprise, delivering visibility, threat prevention, and data protection in real-time, across all browsers. It integrates deeply into existing security stacks, enabling security teams to manage risks without forcing a one-size-fits-all browser change.

Will Keep Aware disrupt employee browsing?

No, Keep Aware won't disrupt your employees' browsing experience. Unlike traditional solutions that tunnel or proxy traffic, our modern API architecture ensures a lightweight and private approach. This enables silent, seamless deployment without affecting users' daily activities. When security intervention is needed, Keep Aware steps in at the point-of-click, enforcing configurable policies to prevent threats without interfering with workflow​​.

What browsers does Keep Aware deploy to?

Keep Aware is compatible with any Chromium-based browser such as Chrome, Edge, Arc, or Brave, and other industry-standard browsers like Firefox and Safari.

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